How to Find a Reckless Driving Lawyer in Fairfax, VA 
If you have recently been charged with a reckless driving offense, you may be wondering about how to find a reckless driving lawyer in Fairfax, VA. This is an understandable dilemma, as not all criminal defense firms handle reckless driving cases. This is a relatively specialized area of law, because it is complex, nuanced and requires a certain level of skill and dedication to master. Virginia, in particular, has some of the most complex driving laws in the nation. For this reason alone, wondering about how to find a reckless driving lawyer in Fairfax, VA is a uniquely pressing question if you have recently been charged with a reckless driving offense. Thankfully, the legal team at Dave Albo – Attorney is here to help.
Finding a Reckless Driving Defense Lawyer
It is important not to put off finding an attorney simply because your offense doesn’t seem “that bad” when compared with other criminal infractions. Too often, individuals charged with reckless driving are led to believe that they should not treat their situation seriously. It is critically important that you understand the difference between a minor traffic infraction and reckless driving. A failure to signal while changing lanes or driving a few miles over the speed limit may warrant a minor traffic ticket. Such tickets can be paid and largely forgotten about. On the other hand, reckless driving infractions require a trip to court because they are considered to be significantly more serious than minor infractions are. The consequences associated with a reckless driving conviction can range from fines and community service to jail time and a suspended license.
Wondering about how to find a reckless driving lawyer in Fairfax, VA is an urgent question if you are facing a reckless driving charge. Please, look no further than our firm. Other Fairfax, Virginia criminal law firms may agree to take your case, but not all of them have the kind of extensive experience handling reckless driving cases that we do. We would be happy to assist you and look forward to taking your call.
Legal Assistance Is Available
Don’t let worries about how to find a reckless driving lawyer in Fairfax, VA keep you from seeking the legal guidance and assistance you need right now. Our firm is highly experienced and can walk you through every element of your particular case. If you have questions, we will answer them or seek out the answers until we can answer them. We pride ourselves on a transparent and efficient approach to client representation that is dedicated and focused. We understand that a criminal record is a serious reality and will do what we can to keep you from having a reckless driving offense added to yours.