For every person out there, being involved in a car collision can be scary and overwhelming. Having to call or deal with the police as well can add on unnecessary stress, especially if you are at fault. Car accidents combined with having to speak with the police can put any normal individual in a situation where it is hard to manage the correct way without advice. Because car accidents have so many implications involved, including criminal and civil liabilities, it can be nerve wracking to speak to a law enforcement officer about what happened. It is vital that you do not lie and explain everything that you remember happening when they come to get a police report from you the first time, because you very well may not get another chance to do so. You are required by law to report a car collision to police if it happened on the freeway, someone was injured, or the damage totaled more than 750 dollars. If you or the other driver or passengers are injured, you might have to perform any first aid you are capable of.
Although you are required by law to report the accident to the police, you do not have to offer more than the simple statement of “I was in a car accident” for the report that they will take. Because you may be subject to face liability or negligence issues, changing any answers that you have previously given to questions or offering more information than necessary can incriminate you. Even in the event that you are not at fault and are completely innocent, this is true. You should be sure to exercise your right to stay silent if you feel it is necessary, as a competent car accident lawyer Memphis TN residents trust can tell you. When you are told to give a statement to the officer, be sure to be as brief as possible and do not admit fault, your take on what happened, or go off track or on a tangent. Make sure that you make it clear you do not consent to any unauthorized searches of your car or body, as well as any seizure of your car or property unless the law allows for it. This is crucial, because it protects you against all of the legal entanglements that are unrelated to your accident. You should also be brief and follow the same rules when you are speaking with your insurance company. Your insurance company will possibly try to find ways to avoid paying out for your claim.
Thanks to our friends and contributors at Darrell Castle and Associates, PLLC, for their insight into car accidents.